Gdynia Open application form

Przyjmowanie zgłoszeń od 16.02.2024 do 19.04.2024



Registration detalis

Song details



1. Consent concerning personal data processing

In accordance with Art. 6 sec. 1, point a of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)) I agree to the processing of my personal data (name, surname, post address, e-mail address, phone number)/my child’s personal data (name, surname, year of birth, including photos and films) in order to promote and organize Gdynia Open 2022 International Song Festival and to share the information about the results of the festival. The festival is organized by Youth Community Centre (Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury) in Gdynia. I understand that sharing my data is voluntary but necessary to conduct the goals for which it has been gathered.

2. Video and photography consent form

I agree to free of charge using and distributing of my/my child’s image (including photos and films).

The image of the Festival Participant will be recorded in various forms of electronic processing (including photography, data streaming and film documentation) by Youth Community Centre based in Gdynia at 2 Grabowo Street, as part of the organization, implementation and promotion of the Gdynia OPEN 2022 International Song Festival. This consent is free of charge, not restricted by the amount or territory and covers the above-mentioned forms of publication, in particular, distributing in the Internet, including on the Festival’s website, the website of Youth Community Centre and social networks such as YouTube and Facebook (we inform you that the servers of YouTube and Facebook are located in the United States of America, where other provisions on the protection of personal data apply –portals support the global infrastructure and process data both within the EEA (European Economic Area) and outside it – additional information is provided on the website:

The image of the Festival Participant will be electronically processed, cropped and composed, as well as juxtaposed with the image of other people, may be supplemented by an accompanying comment, while film and sound recordings with my participation / with my child’s participation may be edited, modified and added to other materials created for the purposes of the event without the obligation to accept the final product.

The image cannot be used in any offensive way or insult personal rights and interests.

3. Statement on the free transfer of proprietary copyrights to the Organizer of the Gdynia Open 2022 International Song Festival

I, the author/legal representative of the child/mentee who is the author (co-author) of the recording/film, declare that I am entitled to transfer the proprietary copyrights to the recording to the extent indicated in this statement.

As the author/legal representative of the author, I transfer free of charge to the Organizer – Youth Community Centre in Gdynia – the proprietary copyrights to the recording/film, as well as dependent rights, including the right to develop the recording by adapting it, and the Festival Organizer declares that he accepts economic copyrights for recording/film.

Proprietary copyrights to the recording/film, along with dependent rights, are transferred to the Organizer at the time of signing this statement and give the Organizer the unlimited in time right to use and dispose of the recording/film, including permission to dispose and use of the recording/film in Poland and abroad without the Organizer incurring additional fees. The Organizer acquires proprietary copyrights and subsidiary rights in the following fields of exploitation:

  1. production of an unlimited number of copies of recordings/films using printing, reprographic, IT, photographic, digital, optoelectric, magnetic, audiovisual or multimedia techniques;
  2. placing the originals or copies of recordings/films on the market, renting or lending the original or copies on which the recordings/films have been recorded without subject, territorial and time limitations, regardless of the intended use;
  3. entering into computer memory and operating systems; disseminating in IT or teleinformation networks, including the Internet (including social networking sites such as Facebook, YouTube) in such a way that access to films by third parties is possible at the place and time chosen by them;
  4. public performance, exposure, presentation, reproduction, broadcasting;
  5. rebroadcasting, including via cable and satellite networks;
  6. use for informational, promotional and advertising purposes.

As the author/legal representative of the author of the recording/film, I allow the Organizer to arrange and use of other versions of the recordings/film to the extent indicated above and transfer to the Organizer the right to grant permits in this regard for the disposal and use of other versions of the recordings/film.

As the author/legal representative of the author of the recording/film, I declare that the recording/film is made by me/my child/mentee and that in connection with the recording/film and the transfer of proprietary copyrights and subsidiary rights to the Organizer, I do not infringe the rights of third parties in any way.

As the author/legal representative of the author of the recording/film, I have written declarations containing the consent of the persons appearing in the recording/film for free use of their image and statements by means of mass media or electronic means in all information activities, promotion and advertising of the Organizer.


  1. I declare that I have read the information clause of Gdynia Open 2022 International Song Festival available in the Festival Regulations:
  1. The administrator of your personal data is Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury (Youth Community Centre) with the registered office in Gdynia (81-265) at 2 Grabowo Street, phone nb. +48 58 6988618, e-mail:
  2. The administrator of personal data appointed the Data Protection Officer supervising the processing of personal data. Contact with the Data Protection Officer on e-mail address:
  3. In order to organize, prepare, conduct and promote Gdynia OPEN 2022 International Song Festival (hereinafter referred to as the Festival), the personal data administrator processes the personal data of people participating in the Festival: Participant (child, adult), parents/legal guardians, artistic guardians, teachers, authors of works and people cooperating with the Organizer as part of the above-mentioned Festival.
  4. The personal data administrator processes personal data of the above-mentioned persons in the following scope:
    1. personal data of the Festival Participant (child, adult), such as: name and surname, year of birth, image (photo, recording – competition film), contact details;
    2. personal data of the submitting person – legal representatives of the Participants, such as: name and surname, contact details, including contact e-mail and telephone number, bank account number (payment of the registration fee);
    3. personal data of the teacher or artistic supervisor under whose supervision the work was performed, such as: name and surname;
    4. personal data of the authors of works (text and music), such as: name and surname.
  5. The basis for the processing of personal data is consent to the processing of personal data – art. 6 sec. 1, point a of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as GDPR) in connection with Art. 81 sec. 1 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyrights and related rights (i.e. Journal of Acts of 2021, item 1062), art. 63 of the Act of April23, 1964 of Civil Code (Journal of Acts of 2020, item 1740, as amended), art. 93 of the Act of February 25, 1964 of Family and Guardianship Code (Journal of Acts of 2020, item 1359) and in cases where required by the provisions of the Act of July 14, 1983 on the national archival resource and archives (Journal of Acts of 2020, item 164, as amended).

In addition, the processing of personal data will take place in accordance with art. 6 sec. 1, point e of GDPR in connection with the provisions of § 5 art. 2 point 2a of the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of November 2, 2015 on the types and detailed rules of operation of public institutions, the conditions of stay of children and adolescents in these institutions and the amount and rules of payment made by parents for the stay of their children in these institutions (Journal of Acts, item 1872, as amended).

  1. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, and without providing it, it will not be possible to participate in the Festival.
  2. If you provide your e-mail address or telephone number, it may be used by the Organizer to contact the Participant in matters related to the Festival.
  3. Personal data, including the image of Participants, may be made available in connection with the announcement of the results of the Festival and the award ceremony and with promotion of the Festival on the MDK websites, during events organized by the Director of MDK (e.g. publicaion of laureates‘ personal data, public presentation of the image – photo and competition film) and on social services such as YouTube and Facebook. We inform you that the servers of YouTube and Facebook are located in the United States of America, where other provisions on the protection of personal data apply –portals support the global infrastructure and process data both within the EEA (European Economic Area) and outside it – additional information is provided on the website:
  4. In order to create a cooperation network and promote the Festival, personal data included in the Festival’s documentation (including the “Application form”) may be disclosed to partners supporting or co-organizing the Festival.
  5. Personal data of the Participants, parent/legal guardian, person representing the minor Participant of the Festival will be kept for the period necessary to achieve the purpose for which you consented, but also for archival purposes in accordance with the provisions of the Act of July 14, 1983 on the national archival resource and archives (Journal of Acts of 2020, item 164, as amended).
  6. You have the right to access the content of the data and receive a copy of it and the right to rectify it, if it is incorrect or out of date, delete it, limit processing, and the right to withdraw consent at any time.
  7. The obtained personal data will not be processed in an automated manner and will not be profiled.
  8. The processed personal data may be transferred, inter alia, to authorized employees of the personal data administrator, entities to which personal data should be disclosed in order to comply with the legal obligation, and also entities to whom the data will be entrusted to achieve the purposes of processing (incl. accounting and financial services and suppliers of IT technical solutions).
  9. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Protection Data Office, 00-193 Warsaw, 2 Stawki Street.

4. I declare that I got acquainted with the Regulations of Gdynia Open 2022 International Song Festival and I accept it.

Invoice data
